Diving & Snorkeling

Scuba diving and snorkeling are permitted everywhere. Pompano Beach has the most magnificent natural coral reefs that you can swim to from shore. For the serious diving enthusiasts, Pompano Beach is the “Wreck Capital“ of Florida, 18 wrecks are located off the shores of Pompano Beach, including the Lady Luck and the Okinawa, recently sunk about one mile off the Fisher Family Pier to create an artificial reef. The linear reef creates perfect conditions for divers.

scuba map

Wreck Locations

1. Sucre (M-5)

2. Miller Lite (L-5)

3. Mariner II Tug (L-6)

4. Union Express (L-6)

5. Mary St. Philip (M-6)

6. Rodeo 25 (M-7)

7. Quallman Tugs etal. (L-7)

8. RSB-1 (L-7)

9. RBJ (M-7)

10. Chris Corey (M-7)

11. Renegade (M-8)

12. Lowrance (M-9)

13. Captain Dan (L-9)

14. Guy Harvey (M-9)

15. SS Copenhagen (K-10)

16. Caicos Express (M-10)

17. Lady Luck (K-7)

18. Okinowa (K-7)

Dive Locations

1. Pompano Trench (M-4)

2. Lost Ledge (M-5)

3. Suzzane’s Ledge (K-6)

4. Pompano 3rd Reef Ridge (M-6)

5. Steve’s Twin Ledges (L-7)

6. Shark Reef (L-8)

7. Touchdown Reef (L-8)

8. Pompano Drop Off (K-8)

9. Grouper Bend (M-8)

10. Nursery (K-9)